简单谈谈新加坡股票 - SGX - 新加坡三大银行 - DBS, OCBC and UOB


1)新币的稳定性 - 天然护城河 - 马币对垒新币越来越弱 - 投资在新加坡股票除了让你的资金保值(Natural Hedging Instrument Against Currency Fluctuation Risk) 之外,也能有资本的成长 (Capital Gain in Currency Appreciation)

2)投资在3大银行等同于拥有国际顶端的领袖作为公司发展的导航 - 优秀的高层也是护城河 - 优秀的领导人带领公司走向繁荣进步!若你瞧瞧DBS银行的成长和发展你会明白个中道理!

DBS,OCBC 和 UOB - 你会想要投资哪家银行呢?

对我而言,我会选择 (1)比较便宜;(2)发展和成长空间比较大;(3)股息非常不错的至少高于通货膨胀率或最好靠近5%,原因是杰截止于2023年7月,数据证明新加坡的通货膨胀率大约是4.1% **** (4)不会高估而且低于合理PE的10

*** 数据出处:Trading Economics - Singapore Inflation Rate

(1) DBS 新加坡发展银行

(2) OCBC 新加坡华侨银行

(3) UOB 新加坡大华银行

- 3家都是同样成长


(1) OCBC比较有更大的发展空间


DBS - 在新加坡多过150间分行 
UOB - 在新加坡大约有 68间分行
OCBC - 在新加坡大约有 39间分行

(2) OCBC无论在股价(Share Price),股息 (Dividend Yield)和估值(PE)都是3家里面最好的

OCBC Bank has assets of more than S$521.3 billion, making it the second largest bank in Southeast Asia by assets. 

It is also one of the world’s most highly-rated banks, with an Aa1 rating from Moody’s and AA- rating from Standard & Poor's.

OCBC Bank is consistently ranked amongst the top three "safest banks in the world" by the magazine Global Finance.

The Asian Banker named OCBC Bank Singapore's strongest bank for 2018-2019, and the 5th strongest in Asia-Pacific.

The bank's global network has grown to comprise more than 570 branches and representative offices in 18 countries and regions. These include over 320 branches and offices in Indonesia under subsidiary Bank OCBC NISP, and more than 100 branches and offices in Hong Kong, China and Macao under OCBC Bank (Hong Kong), OCBC Bank (China) and OCBC Bank (Macau) respectively.

OCBC Bank was awarded World's Best Bank (Asia-Pacific) in 2019 by Global Finance Magazine.


OCBC Ltd (SGX: O39)

OCBC is Singapore’s second-largest bank by market capitalisation and offers a comprehensive range of banking, investment, and insurance services.

The blue-chip lender had reported a stellar set of earnings for its fiscal 2023’s first half (1H 2023).

Surging interest rates benefitted the banks’ net interest income which flowed down to improve its bottom line, with net profit climbing 38% year on year to S$3.6 billion.

In line with the strong results, OCBC hiked its interim dividend by close to 43% year on year to S$0.40.

There could be more good news to come for investors.

The bank launched a major rebranding exercise in July with a refreshed logo and tagline, aiming to deliver an incremental S$3 billion in revenue over the next three years.

This growth trajectory will be driven by four key pillars – Asian wealth, trade and investment flows, new economy, and sustainability.

The US Federal Reserve is also intent on keeping interest rates high to combat inflation and bring it down to the 2% level.

With rates staying high till at least 2024, OCBC should continue to enjoy higher net interest income.

Should the bank carry on reporting robust financial results for 2023, it could up its final dividend early next year.


总结: 我打算近期内会建仓,然后慢慢累计这个非常有潜能成长+高股息的OCBC。




(1)我是为了帮忙一个乐善好施的大马 Dato 生意人物色不错的投资项目(这位善翁很低调,我之前也有推荐好的马股给他,他也大赚一笔然后也是做很多善事,所以帮忙他也帮忙很多不幸的人);





(1)SGX: C6L - Singapore Airlines Ltd

(2)Big plans for Changi Airport T5 还有其建成对新加坡还有东南亚的影响特别是马来西亚

(3)SGX: S20 - Straits Trading Company Ltd

(4)SGX: AGS - Hour Glass Ltd 


(1)SGX: BUOU - Frasers Logistics & Commercial Trust

(2)SGX: N2IU - Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust

This post or blog does not constitute BUY/SELL CALLS and it is just for information sharing. The author above won't be responsible for any parties relying on this information for investment decision.


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