
重仓投资在拾荒股票才是股市赚钱的王道 (Parkson and CLMT)

目前投资在 CLMT 的数额已经七七八八了,是时候开始重仓 PARKSON 慢就是快,慢就是快,慢就是快! 除了上面这两个,我也有新加坡股票 SATS  都是拾荒路线! 明天会更好! 献丑了, my portfolio as of 7 Feb 2024

(1) Tourism Industry is back with increasing tourists coming to Malaysia (2) BAT is going to have a bad time

 (1) Tourism Industry is very much positive.  From my market survey and study on this industry, I understand that there are many foreigners travelling to Malaysia via air, sea or land.  Beneficial to ---- > CLMT, Parkson, SATS, soon Hospitality and Leisure industry, Tunepro, Airport, Marine or Sea-related Industries ! LOOK! I have CRUISES Schedule to prove that Tourism Industry is BACK! BOOMING SOON! PENANG PORT will be getting benefit very much! 我亲自做场地考察,本身去经验港口的大邮轮,旅游业复苏了啊 (2) BAT not yet die but heading to face more CHALLENGE due to Shrinking Market Size --- heading toward Sunset  - I used to invest in BAT long time ago but ever since GEG proposed by Goverment I mark BAT under WATCH LIST which is a risky investment - Start to conduct market survey and analysis on several things related to Health Awareness and Nicotine Addiction - Noted more and more GYM, Health Related Activities and Health Products are launched and gain market favour ----- > indication of public awareness of

CLMT, SATS, AFFIN and SOON ------> PARKSON 慢就是快,慢就是快 - 每个股票都有周期性,拿捏正确,百战百胜,加上经济观点肯定提高投资成功的胜算!

我也不需要说太多,大家看看我一直提倡的几个股票,就有答案。 Bursa ---- CLMT  - recovery is under progress. More and more enhancement of assets will be achieved due to master plan in Penang (Industrialisation, Transportation and etc) - opening of Gurney Bay opposite Gurney Plaza - disposal of non-performing assets such as 3 Damansara - Glenmarie Shah Alam warehouse rental - soon to happen more and more REIT diversification - add more and add more, 80 cents to 1 ringgit is not an issue  LOOK! Follower trusts me and add more and more Follower's result is not bad after 6-month Patience SGX ---- SATS - acquisition of Worldwide Flight Services adds more business presence globally - strong support from solid Temasek (Singapore Government) - monopoly in Changi Airport such that 60% or more is done by SATS - construction of Changi T5 is going to be commenced from 2025 which will be another catalyst - recovery of Tourism industry  Bursa ---- AFFIN - the increase of stake by Sarawak is within expectation - 100% sold and t

简单谈谈新加坡股票 - SGX - 新加坡三大银行 - DBS, OCBC and UOB

大马人倘若投资在新加坡上市公司的股票有什么好处呢?比如正在如日冲天地发展和成长的3大银行? 1)新币的稳定性 - 天然护城河 - 马币对垒新币越来越弱 - 投资在新加坡股票除了让你的资金保值(Natural Hedging Instrument Against Currency Fluctuation Risk) 之外,也能有资本的成长 (Capital Gain in Currency Appreciation) 2)投资在3大银行等同于拥有国际顶端的领袖作为公司发展的导航 - 优秀的高层也是护城河 - 优秀的领导人带领公司走向繁荣进步!若你瞧瞧DBS银行的成长和发展你会明白个中道理! DBS,OCBC 和 UOB - 你会想要投资哪家银行呢? 对我而言,我会选择 (1)比较便宜;(2)发展和成长空间比较大;(3)股息非常不错的至少高于通货膨胀率或最好靠近5%,原因是杰截止于2023年7月,数据证明新加坡的通货膨胀率大约是4.1% **** (4)不会高估而且低于合理PE的10 *** 数据出处:Trading Economics - Singapore Inflation Rate (1) DBS 新加坡发展银行 (2) OCBC 新加坡华侨银行 (3) UOB 新加坡大华银行 基于以上的3大银行的数据来比较, - 3家都是同样成长 但是我个人觉得我会选择OCBC作为我的长期价值投资的对象. (1) OCBC比较有更大的发展空间 分行还是很少,可以继续开发。 DBS - 在新加坡多过150间分行  UOB - 在新加坡大约有 68间分行 OCBC -  在新加坡大约有 39间分行 (2) OCBC无论在股价(Share Price),股息 (Dividend Yield)和估值(PE)都是3家里面最好的 其他强项 OCBC Bank has assets of more than S$521.3 billion, making it the second largest bank in Southeast Asia by assets.  It is also one of the world’s most highly-rated banks, with an Aa1 rating from Moody’s and AA- rating from Standa

价值投资利益最大化的两个方法: (1)重仓投资在拾荒股票才是股市赚钱的王道 (Parkson and CLMT); (2) 重仓投资在人家看不起眼的二等金融股 (AFFIN)

 价值投资利益最大化的两个方法:  (1)重仓投资在拾荒股票才是股市赚钱的王道 (PARKSON and CLMT);  (2) 重仓投资在人家看不起眼的二等金融股 (AFFIN) 永远秉持人弃我取那些蒙尘珍珠,还有记得别在股市追求时尚,追求名牌,因为名牌意味着高价格,贵东西! 接下来我会义无反顾的重仓CLMT和PARKSON,将我的投资盈利最大化。 种种原因,我已经在很久前透露在KLSE i3 和 KLSE SCREENER 当然这个才开不久的部落格也是说明很多了! 永远要记得投资股票就是投资未来的价值,投资前景,投资可达到的梦想! 市场很多课程老意味的纠结过去种种的商业亏损,但是没有注重高管理层有没有励精图治,还有一个盲点就是企业失落的因素是属于可控制 (Controllable Factor) 还是不可控制的 (Non Controllable Factor) 最近有点忙,但是我会抽点时间继续帮助大众在拾荒股票路线解密。 真金不怕红炉火!这两个是我早期部署然后重仓的股票,符合上面两大条件,多多益善! 最后我附上今天的成交量,我之前一直提倡的股票,成绩就是王道,肥肉会越来越多,不买的就可惜!你可能会觉得我是庄家的人,但是我没有理由去低价坑你们。 CLMT 和 PARKSON,我在非常低到没有人要的时候已经开始物色了,他们是值得我拾荒的! AFFIN 则是非常冷门,不怎么受欢迎的二线金融银行股票!而且有很多ARBITRAGE OPPORTUNITY 我看好他会有很多潜能发展! 之前我还有重仓 (1)MBMR老爷车,全部之前解释了,老爷车有其好处,就是便宜!投资股票必须跟宏观微观经济还有老百姓一起看!他不会死因为他除了有政府这个王牌,第二就是PERODUA 以后有很多M&A项目,我会很期待!--- 》 这个在高价套利了! (2)投机的 LIONIND WA -- > 这个呢我也在设立好的价格套利了。偶尔来点小玩意! CLMT PARKSON AFFIN 接下来,我手上还有很多个项目,会慢慢推出来!都是拾荒股票!或者二线但是暂时沦为垃圾的股票。 浴火重生,见证公司咸鱼翻身真的非常有满足感! CLMT ---> REVISED EXPECTATION FORMED ON 5 SEPTEMBER 2023 - To reflect the Divest

CapitaLand Malaysia Trust (CLMT) - Update - (1) Divestment and Disposal of Non-Performing Assets; (2) Potential Indirect Beneficiary from Budget That might be Allocated to Penang for Development; (3) Good Result in upcoming QR

(1) Divestment and Disposal of Non-Performing Assets - 3 Damansara The recent announcement on CLMT's decision to dispose of or divest Office Tower - 3 Damansara is a good news to all unitholders and this decision is within my expectation since my active enrolment in CLMT. The divestment will further optimise resources of CLMT so that non-performing assets be disposed of to unlock value of CLMT such that CLMT will be able to reduce operating cost and make meaningful use of its resources. Snapshot of announcement for your information: - This will means that my projection done previously was very much prudent or conservative.  The actual potential good results will be reflected even better than my projection given the divestment of 3 Damansara. See link to recall my projection: - (2) Indirect Beneficiary from Budget 2024 据一些消息,安华会大大照顾以下的州 1) Johor - 已经承诺一些事情,比如经济特区 2) Penang - 已经承诺一些事情比如