CLMT, SATS, AFFIN and SOON ------> PARKSON 慢就是快,慢就是快 - 每个股票都有周期性,拿捏正确,百战百胜,加上经济观点肯定提高投资成功的胜算!
Bursa ---- CLMT
- recovery is under progress. More and more enhancement of assets will be achieved due to master plan in Penang (Industrialisation, Transportation and etc)
- opening of Gurney Bay opposite Gurney Plaza
- disposal of non-performing assets such as 3 Damansara
- Glenmarie Shah Alam warehouse rental
- soon to happen more and more REIT diversification
- add more and add more, 80 cents to 1 ringgit is not an issue
LOOK! Follower trusts me and add more and more
Follower's result is not bad after 6-month Patience
- acquisition of Worldwide Flight Services adds more business presence globally
- strong support from solid Temasek (Singapore Government)
- monopoly in Changi Airport such that 60% or more is done by SATS
- construction of Changi T5 is going to be commenced from 2025 which will be another catalyst
- recovery of Tourism industry
Bursa ---- AFFIN
- the increase of stake by Sarawak is within expectation
- 100% sold and took profit due to sudden spike of price by syndicates
- banking industry will not be very good for year 2024
- collection on dip is very much encouraged
Bursa ---- PARKSON
- just collect and collect and collect to wait for the price adjustment
- tourism industry is recovering supported by supporting documents
- more and more physical shop spending and retail activities as evidenced by lower activities in e-commerce (downsizing in Lazada, SEA and etc)
- PARKSON will be back soon! Trust or not is up to you. I trust my MR. PANDA and I know that Parkson is going to expand more in CHINA.. More and more MEGA DEVELOPMENT PLAN is materialised soon !

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