
Showing posts from August, 2023

CapitaLand Malaysia Trust (CLMT) - (1) Penang Transportation Master Plan; and (2) Penang Industrial Master Plan

 我早在8月24日利用经济原理推算槟城的发展走向,结果给我算准了。 这个大好消息,将是为CLMT 注入更大的希望,更大的CATALYST 1)Gurney Bay (Penang Tourism Master Plan) 2)Penang Transportation Master Plan 3)Penang Industrial Master Plan The development of the above plans will be a great catalyst to development and business of CLMT especially CLMT has (1) Gurney Plaza; (2) Queensbay Mall; and (3) Valdor Logistics Warehouse FYI, CLMT has already started its REIT diversification. At present, CLMT has Valdor Logistic and Glenmarie Hi-tech Business Park (another warehouse in Shah Alam). As per CEO, the plan will continue! 我早在24号就预言着槟城发展动向,还比曹观友槟州首席部长更加早 难不成我是他肚子里面的虫,还是我有内幕了 想不到我借用宏观经济的力量,真的给我的预见应验了 我对自己的投资更加有信心十足了 Penang Master Industrial Plan 应该走着了 若这个也发生 那么很多都是跟着之前部署CLMT 最大的两个理由应验了 借用槟城发展的动向和经济观 希望可以大大提高投资的胜算 我对自己的投资更加有信心十足了 接下来是预算着大马的财务预算案的时候 我看中 医疗领域,SunWay medical city 安华应该会注重之一 接下来金融应该没有什么大看头,因为帮了银行就伤了人民的pocket, 所以是低价收入银行股票的时机 More and more Photos for your information The above plan will help to promote Penang Tourism as well as its Indu...

REDTONE DIGITAL BERHAD - Matters to take note when there are investment income and relevant questions to be clarified from management

REDTONE DIGITAL BERHAD - Matters to take note when there are investment income and relevant questions to be clarified from management DISCLAIMER: This post or blog does not constitute BUY/SELL CALLS and it is just for information sharing and education purposes. The author above won't be responsible for any parties relying on this information for investment decision.

ARBITRAGE OPPORTUNITIES --- > Identify More and More Arbitrage Opportunities by Identifying more stocks related to PNB and LTAT

I understand that in the past or most recent corporate transactions or exercises, LTAT and PNB had undergone M&A to optimise their resources and unlock value of their investment vehicles or investees. Recent M&A -- > PNB via SIME to acquire stake of Perodua in UMW                        -- > LTAT BPLANT As such, I believe that in foreseeable future, investors could study companies related to LTAT and PNB to prepare ahead of those M&A so as to maximise investment return! 1) PNB 2) LTAT DISCLAIMER: This post or blog does not constitute BUY/SELL CALLS and it is just for information sharing. The author above won't be responsible for any parties relying on this information for investment decision.

CLMT - Progress of Gurney Bay - Phase 1

See below for the progress of Gurney Bay On completion of Gurney Bay, Gurney Plaza's value will be enhanced!

Parkson Holdings Berhad - Exceptional Performance -- > 30 June 2023 versus 30 June 2022 AND 30 June 2023 versus 31 March 2023

If you are thinking that performance of PHB is bad in Q2 FY2023, I guess that you have not looked into details and analyse performance fairly by removing (1) Special Item; (2) Abnormal or Exceptional Item; (3) Non-Recurring Items; (4) Non-Cash items  You will be impressed that based on analysis, Normalised Operating Profit Margin  Normalised PBT Margin Normalised PAT Margin Normalised EBITDA  for 30 June 2023 are EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD and IMPRESSIVE Even if you are not convinced with the above, you may refer to Segmental Performace Review, you will be impressed that PHB was doing very well  Retail Revenue in totality is slightly lower than Q1 FY2023 but Retail Profit for Malaysia and China shows improvement.  Significant Improvement in CHINA! As I have no time to analyse in detail every single ratio or numbers, I had decided to analyse only significant indicators which are more than sufficient for investors to gauge understanding at a glimpse! I always believe th...

Catalyst of CLMT - Gurney Bay (formerly known as Gurney Wharf) + Certain Unitholders' Plan of Proposing to CLMT to acquire Gurney Paragon from Hunza

CATALYST 1 - GURNEY BAY 全新的Gurney Bay ,相信会成为一个休闲娱乐公园。 随着槟州元首敦阿末弗兹昨日(16 August 2023) 主持动土,葛尼水岸(Gurney Wharf)首次阶段工程开展,意味着槟州发展迈向另一新里程碑。 葛尼水岸占地约50英亩,已完成填海工程,首阶段的工程是邦咯路处开始,属绿色公园项目,所涉及的实体建筑不多,预计用时12个月来完成。第二阶段工程因涉及的实体建筑较多,有小贩中心、多层停车场,因此用时较长,约需24个月。两个阶段的工程会同步进行。 葛尼水岸一旦落成, 除了为槟州增值,也为周边区域带来经济效应 ,让人充满期待。 Gurney Plaza's value will be enhanced due to the  State Government has promised no high rise buildings along the coast line .  There will be open greenery for the public to enjoy. If everything is carried out according to plan,  the materialization of this development will be a major plus point for the real estate lining Gurney Drive ,  as their seaview will not be blocked, but instead enhanced by the wider shorefront.  Foreign Tourists as well as local people from other states will be attracted by the very appearance of Gurney Bay. Not to worry that the existence of Gurney Bay is a threat to Gurney Plaza, it will be a catalyst to Gurney Plaza to be more competitive. Acco...