Parkson Holdings Berhad - Exceptional Performance -- > 30 June 2023 versus 30 June 2022 AND 30 June 2023 versus 31 March 2023

If you are thinking that performance of PHB is bad in Q2 FY2023, I guess that you have not looked into details and analyse performance fairly by removing (1) Special Item; (2) Abnormal or Exceptional Item; (3) Non-Recurring Items; (4) Non-Cash items 

You will be impressed that based on analysis,

Normalised Operating Profit Margin 

Normalised PBT Margin

Normalised PAT Margin

Normalised EBITDA 


Even if you are not convinced with the above, you may refer to Segmental Performace Review, you will be impressed that PHB was doing very well 

Retail Revenue in totality is slightly lower than Q1 FY2023 but Retail Profit for Malaysia and China shows improvement. 

Significant Improvement in CHINA!

As I have no time to analyse in detail every single ratio or numbers, I had decided to analyse only significant indicators which are more than sufficient for investors to gauge understanding at a glimpse!

I always believe that interpreting FS as an investor, you should exclude all abnormal items and put yourself in a shoe of a buyer of a big business or what you expect a M&A expert in buyer side will do for you!

ANALYSIS 1 -- > 30 June 2023 versus 30 June 2022

ANALYSIS 2 -- > 30 June 2023 versus 31 March 2023

Appendix 1 - P&L 30 June 2023 versus 30 June 2022 and cumulative comparison

Appendix 2 - P&L 31 March 2023 versus 31 March 2022 and cumulative comparison

Appendix 3 - Segmental Performance Review Q2 FY2023

Appendix 4 - Segmental Performance Review Q1 FY2023


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